Holistic Healthcare

Chinese medicine is a holistic approach to healthcare and wellness. There is a wealth of anecdotal evidence and scientific research supporting the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine.

Acupuncture and Chinese herbal remedies have been used to treat everything from anxiety and depression to digestive issues and allergies.

Our holistic approach also integrates self-care recommendations,  supplements, and dietary therapy.

denver holistic healthcare using chinese medicine


Additional Conditions Successfully Treated


Anx­i­ety & Stress

Arthri­tis /​Joint problems

Auto Acci­dent Injury

Back Pain & Knee Pain


Diges­tive Disorders

Headache /​Migraines

High Blood Pressure

Immune Defi­cien­cies




Neck & Shoul­der Pain

Numb­ness /​Poor Circulation

Respiratory Disorders


Skin Dis­or­ders

Sports Injuries

Ten­donitis TMJ /​Jaw Pain

Weight Reduc­tion

The Benefits of Holistic healthcare using Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

Unlike many pharmaceutical drugs, which can have a range of side effects, Chinese medicine therapies are generally safe and have minimal side effects. This is because they are made from natural substances and work with the body’s own healing processes.

Chinese medicine can be used alongside Western medicine, and many people find that it complements their existing treatments. For example, acupuncture can be used to help manage pain or nausea during cancer treatment, while herbal remedies can be used to support the immune system.

Overall, Chinese medicine offers a safe, effective, and holistic approach to health and well-being. While it may not be right for everyone, it’s definitely worth considering if you’re looking for a more natural and personalized approach to health care.




Jian­shu is one of the best acupunc­tur­ists and Chi­nese herbal­ists in Den­ver. I was a stu­dent at Col­orado School of Tra­di­tional Chi­nese Med­i­cine when I first met Dr. Cheng, who was a mem­ber of the senior fac­ulty there. I knew instantly that I had met a Mas­ter and vol­un­teered to work in his office to learn from him.

His patients adore him not only because he helps them feel bet­ter but also because of his car­ing and com­pas­sion­ate per­son­al­ity.